Hanover County Civil Rights Attorney

Civil Rights Lawyer in Hanover County 

Civil rights laws are what protect you from experiencing discrimination by employers, educators, businesses, and the police. 

Freedom from discrimination wasn’t always protected by law in this country. The civil rights laws that exist today are the result of generations of individuals who stood up and demanded justice. 

When your civil rights are violated, a Hanover county civil rights lawyer can help you continue the fight for justice and gain compensation for the mistreatment you’ve endured. 

Commonwealth Law Group is a civil rights law firm that works with clients in Hanover County and across Virginia to fight back against civil rights violations. If you’ve experienced a civil rights violation in Hanover County, schedule a free consultation today and learn how we may be able to help. 

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Hanover County and Civil Rights Violations

Hanover County has seen its fair share of civil rights complaints in the past few years. 

The Hanover County public school system, in particular, has made headlines for a few different possible civil rights violations, including a failure to ensure policies that adequately consider the safety and well-being of students based on factors including race and gender identity. 

These claims against the public school system have led to lawsuits filed by both the ACLU and the NAACP. Not every civil rights violation in Hanover county garners national media attention, but every individual’s civil rights are equally important. 

When a Hanover County landlord denies housing to a potential tenant because of their religion, a civil rights violation has occurred. When a pregnant woman is passed over for an expected promotion because she’s pregnant, it’s a civil rights violation. When excessive force is used against an inmate at Hanover County Jail, it’s likely a civil rights violation. 

The situations may not have much in common at first glance — but to a civil rights attorney, they’re quite similar. In each scenario, an individual experiences unfair or discriminatory treatment. 

When such an act is motivated by prejudice based on one of the factors protected under civil rights laws, the victim can take legal action to hold the perpetrator accountable and gain compensation for the injustice they experienced. 

Why You Need a Hanover County Civil Rights Attorney

Civil rights laws protect a vast number of areas, mostly related to an individual’s identity and health. The laws that protect civil rights are designed to protect individuals from discrimination and prejudice over factors that are either outside an individual’s control, like race or disability, or form a significant element of identity, such as religion. 

Sometimes civil rights violations are easy to spot, such as when race appears to be a motivating factor in the use of excessive force by police. Other times they may be subtle, and it can leave an individual feeling confused and uncertain whether their experience counts as a civil rights violation. 

A Hanover County civil rights lawyer helps turn this uncertainty into clarity. If you think you’ve been the victim of prejudice, discrimination, or unfair treatment, it’s worth attending a free consultation at a Hanover County civil rights law firm. 

A lawyer will listen to what happened to you and explain whether your experience gives you grounds for taking legal action. If it does, your attorney for civil rights will explain the next steps and identify the potential compensation value you may qualify for, given the circumstances. 

If your civil rights were violated in Hanover County, a civil rights lawyer can help you fight for justice. Call Commonwealth Law Group today to schedule a free consultation with a civil rights lawyer in Hanover County.


The laws that protect civil rights help stop prejudice based on factors including:

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Country of origin
  • Gender identity 
  • Pregnancy
  • Family status
  • Marital status
  • Veteran status

Civil rights laws protect people from experiencing discrimination, especially in areas like employment, education, housing, and treatment in public places like stores, hotels, and restaurants. 

What Areas Are Protected Under Civil Rights Laws?

The laws that protect civil rights help stop prejudice based on factors including:

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Country of origin
  • Gender identity 
  • Pregnancy
  • Family status
  • Marital status
  • Veteran status

Civil rights laws protect people from experiencing discrimination, especially in areas like employment, education, housing, and treatment in public places like stores, hotels, and restaurants. 

Who Can Be Guilty of Violating Civil Rights in Hanover County?

Civil rights laws can apply in situations involving individuals. This is most common when it comes to hate crimes, such as assault, property damage, or threats that are racially motivated.

However, most of the time, civil rights complaints are filed against institutions and organizations. Some of the most common parties likely to be found guilty of violating an individual’s civil rights include: 

  • Educational institutions or organizations
  • Employers
  • Housing rental agencies or landlords
  • Businesses
  • Athletic organizations
  • Police departments
  • Corrections facilities 

When an organization or institution treats individuals differently due to factors protected by civil rights laws, they can be held accountable by the justice system. 

Organizations such as these typically hold generous insurance policies and significant resources, which is how a successful civil rights claim can lead to ample compensation for the victim. 

How Can a Hanover County Civil Rights Lawyer Help Me?

You need a Hanover County attorney for civil rights if you hope to take action successfully over a civil rights violation. 

Simply identifying that a civil rights violation has occurred is only the first step in taking legal action. A civil rights attorney needs to build a strong case based on legal text demonstrating why and how your civil rights were violated. 

If you’ve been the victim of a civil rights violation in Hanover County, both justice and compensation are possibilities — but only if you entrust your case to an experienced civil rights law firm. 

How Much Do Civil Rights Lawyers Charge in Hanover County?

Most civil rights lawyers in Hanover County don’t require an upfront payment. Instead, a lawyer will usually only take on your case if they think they can win. 

If they’re successful, their fees are paid directly out of the compensation value you’re awarded. The percentage your lawyer takes is agreed upon in the contract you sign when you begin working together. 

This type of arrangement is called a contingency agreement. It’s popular in many different areas of personal injury law because it allows clients to take legal action even if they aren't able to pay legal fees upfront. 

Commonwealth Law Group Fights for Civil Rights in Hanover County

Commonwealth Law Group helps victims seek justice for civil rights violations across the state of Virginia. We work to build a case, argue it in court, and recover compensation for our clients in Hanover County and the surrounding areas. 

The civil rights lawyers at Commonwealth Law Group are dedicated to upholding the law — and helping victims of injustice when their basic civil rights are violated. Our firm works to protect civil rights, prisoner’s rights, and employees’ rights in the area of workers’ compensation.

When it comes to justice in Hanover County, the award-winning civil rights attorneys at Commonwealth Law Group are prepared to fight alongside you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a Hanover County civil rights lawyer at Commonwealth Law Group.

Don’t Wait to Contact a Hanover County Civil Rights Law Firm

A successful claim over a Hanover County civil rights violation can bring significant compensation — if you act quickly. Virginia law only allows 180 days to file over most types of civil rights violations. That’s not much time for a lawyer to investigate and build a case, so success requires swift action. 

If you’re wondering whether a recent experience constitutes a civil rights violation, there’s only one way to find out; call a Hanover County civil rights attorney. 

The civil rights attorneys at Commonwealth Law Group are ready to help you fight back against a civil rights violation in Hanover County. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation with a Hanover County civil rights lawyer. 

Civil Rights Practice Areas

Don’t see the practice area that applies to your case? Contact us and we will get you the help you need.

“Great law group. Everyone was kind and down to earth. Made me feel like I was their only client. Very attentive to me and my case.”

Karen Jacobs

If you have been injured at work or through the negligence of another individual or entity, contact us at (804) 999-9999 or or use the form below to connect with our legal team. We will fight to get you the justice you deserve.