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You’ve been experiencing headaches, nausea, fatigue, confusion, and other signs of a concussion. But you are certain you didn’t hit your head anytime recently. Now you are asking, “How can you get a concussion without hitting your head?”

Somewhat surprisingly, it isn’t that difficult. While most people generally associate concussions with head impacts, that is a bit inaccurate. Unfortunately, this misconception can be dangerous because it can result in people not seeking medical attention when they need it.

If you think you might have a concussion that wasn’t caused by direct head trauma, the following information is important to know.

What Is a Concussion?

A concussion is any type of traumatic brain injury that affects your brain functions. Most of these effects are temporary, but it is possible to suffer long-term effects from a concussion, especially if you suffer multiple head injuries.

How do you know if you have a concussion? Look for some of these more common symptoms of a concussion:

  • Headaches
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Temporary unconsciousness
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Slurred speech
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sensory disruption, like a dulled sense of smell
  • Personality changes

These symptoms usually last for anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Regardless of how long these symptoms last, you should get evaluated by a doctor if you suspect you have suffered a concussion.

How You Can Get a Concussion Without Direct Impact

Probably the most common source of concussion information that most people have comes from professional football.

It has been revealed that football players have been suffering countless concussions during their careers, and the NFL did almost nothing about it. Unsurprisingly, since most of these concussions involve head-to-head collisions, many associate concussions with head impact injuries.

While concussions can be a consequence of a physical impact, they aren’t always caused by a blow to the outside of the skull. Concussions result when the soft tissue of the brain is damaged due to striking the inside of the skull. A blow to your head will often cause your brain to strike your skull, but there are other ways your brain can be injured.

But how can you get a concussion without hitting your head? The most common way for your brain to strike your skull without direct head impact is from whiplash. This occurs anytime your head is suddenly thrown forward and backward.

A well-known example of whiplash can be found in car accidents. In the event of an accident, your seat belt and airbag will prevent your body from flying forward and potentially being thrown from the car.

However, these safety devices don’t prevent your head from flying forward. Your body and neck limit how far it can go, causing it to whip back toward your body very quickly.

Another way you can suffer a concussion without hitting your head is in a low-impact sport like gymnastics or parkour. Again, these sports don’t involve physical impacts, but your head moves around rapidly while doing them. Those sudden shifts in direction can cause your brain to bounce around inside your skull.

Any type of non-impact concussion usually involves some sort of rapid movement followed by a sudden stop. You can fall off a ladder and land seemingly safely without hitting your head and still suffer a concussion. A good rule of thumb is to watch for symptoms after any type of motion described here and visit a doctor if needed.

What to Do if Someone Else’s Negligence Led to Your Concussion

As previously noted, whiplash from car accidents is one of the more common causes of a non-impact concussion. Many car accidents are caused by negligence. If you were driving safely and the other party was negligent, you could get compensation for your injuries, including all concussion effects.

To get this compensation, contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the concussion. If you suffer a concussion for any reason and another person is involved, you should consult with an experienced lawyer immediately to determine your legal options.


How Long Will It Take Me to Recover From a Concussion?

Typically, you will recover from the immediate symptoms of a concussion after a few days to a week. However, long-term symptoms can last indefinitely, which may require brain rehabilitation. If you are eligible to file a lawsuit for your injury, you can get compensation for this treatment.

If I Have Suffered a Concussion Before, Does That Mean I Have a Prior Medical Condition That Prevents Me From Getting Compensation?

While a prior concussion might cause the effects of a current concussion to be worse, that doesn’t absolve the negligent party of their responsibility for causing your current concussion.

I Suffered a Concussion While Enjoying an Extreme Sport at an Activity Park. Can I Sue?

That depends on whether the business appropriately warned you of the dangers and whether it took appropriate safety precautions. For example, if it didn’t provide you with a helmet or provide safety instructions, you may be able to sue for the injuries you suffered.

Contact a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer at Commonwealth Law Today

Concussions are more dangerous than most people realize. It may seem like a short-term injury, but the complications from a concussion can last for a lifetime. If you suffered a concussion, you should consult with a lawyer immediately to determine whether you are eligible to receive compensation.

Contact Commonwealth Law today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced lawyer who cares.

If you have been injured at work or through the negligence of another individual or entity, contact us at (804) 999-9999 or or use the form below to connect with our legal team. We will fight to get you the justice you deserve.