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Concussions are a common injury and can happen in many different types of accidents. If you or a loved one was in an accident, you may be wondering what happens when you get a concussion and how to protect yourself in the event of one.

While you might know that a concussion can impact your health, you may not be aware that you could be eligible for financial help with medical bills and lost wages after a concussion. Here is what you may expect after suffering a concussion.

What Happens When You Get a Concussion? An Overview

A concussion is a type of brain injury that happens when your brain is struck by something. Much of the time, the brain comes into contact with an external object, like a baseball or car windshield. There’s a common misconception that you have to be hit in the head to experience a concussion, but this isn’t true.

In some accidents, a person’s body is moved so violently that their brain collides with the inside of the skull. This is particularly a risk in car accidents when the car comes to a sudden stop due to impact or slamming on the brakes. In this case, you can end up with a concussion even though your head didn’t come into contact with anything.

When you get a concussion, your brain is injured by the impact. A wide range of cognitive functions can be negatively impacted by a concussion. These usually include:

  • Memory
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Depth perception
  • Balance
  • Speech
  • Muscle coordination
  • Judgment

If you experience concussion symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor right away and carefully follow their instructions. Proper rest and medical attention can help ensure your symptoms improve.

Is a Concussion a TBI?

Medical professionals define concussions as a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). There are technically three types of brain injury. These are:

  • Mild brain injury
  • Moderate brain injury
  • Severe brain injury

Brain injuries are ranked based on how long a person lost consciousness when the injury occurred. Mild brain injuries are diagnosed when a person shows concussion symptoms but doesn't lose consciousness for any amount of time. “Concussion” is the commonly used term for a mild brain injury.

However, just because concussions are classified as mild doesn’t mean they aren’t serious medical events. A concussion can lead to significant medical bills, especially if there are complications or lingering symptoms. Recovery can cause you to lose work or school, or stop you from caring for your family while you take time to heal.

How Do Concussions Commonly Happen?

Concussions happen due to head trauma. Since there’s no limit to the number of ways that you can injure your head, there’s also no limit on the possible situations that could lead to concussions. Some of the most common types of accidents that result in a concussion include:

  • Car accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Workplace injuries
  • Physical assault
  • Domestic violence

How a concussion happens has a direct impact on whether you’re eligible for financial assistance for your concussion injuries. A brain injury lawyer can evaluate the circumstances of your accident to determine what compensation you may receive.

Establishing Liability After a Concussion

A brain injury attorney’s job is to build a case proving that someone else’s actions were ultimately the reason you suffered a concussion. In legal terms, this is called “establishing liability.” If your lawyer can prove that someone else caused the accident, that person can be held legally responsible for paying for the damage.

The best way to protect your finances after suffering a concussion injury is to contact a brain injury lawyer right away. A lawyer will work to preserve and collect evidence and communicate with any insurance companies on your behalf.

How a lawyer proves liability depends on how the concussion happened. If you were injured in a car accident, a brain injury lawyer may work to build a case against the other driver and seek compensation through their driver’s insurance policy.

On the other hand, if you suffered a concussion after a slip and fall accident in a hotel lobby, your brain injury attorney might try to build a premises liability argument and seek compensation through the business or property owner’s premises liability insurance policy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Concussions

How Much Money Can a Brain Injury Lawyer Help Me Recover?

The case value for a concussion injury is always unique. Your lawyer will identify your case value by collecting proof of how you were harmed by the concussion.

If your lawyer can prove liability, you can usually recover concussion injury compensation for any financial costs or losses. These usually include payment for medical bills, specialist bills, medications, and lost wages.

Can You Die From a Concussion?

While a concussion itself is only a mild brain injury, it’s not uncommon for people to experience complications that can be dangerous or even fatal. This is a key reason why seeing a doctor after an accident is crucial.

What Happens When You Get a Concussion and Don’t See a Doctor After?

Seeking medical attention after a concussion protects your health and helps you recover as quickly as possible. However, it can also protect your claim for compensation. For example, when you see a doctor for your injuries and follow any instructions you are given, you ensure that there are medical records of your injuries.

Learn More by Calling a Brain Injury Lawyer Today

Commonwealth Law Group is a personal injury firm located in Virginia. Our experienced traumatic brain injury attorneys work with injured clients to fight for compensation for concussion injuries.

If you’ve suffered a concussion in Virginia, don’t hesitate to fight for your right to compensation. Call Commonwealth Law Group today to speak with a seasoned brain injury lawyer.

If you have been injured at work or through the negligence of another individual or entity, contact us at (804) 999-9999 or or use the form below to connect with our legal team. We will fight to get you the justice you deserve.