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When medical professionals talk about different degrees of burns, they are referring to the severity of those burns. If you have ever received a sunburn, you probably know that it hurts, but not as much as when you touch a metal object that has recently been in the oven.

Medical science has multiple classifications of burns. The differences between the various degrees of burns indicate both how much damage the burn causes and how difficult it will be to treat. These differences can be fairly significant, especially if you have been seriously burned due to the negligence of another party.

Here is what you need to know about types of burns and how they can happen in Virginia.

Classification of Burn Degrees: What You Should Know

There are three degrees of burns. You can often tell the difference between degrees of burns by considering what the burn looks like and how it feels.

First-Degree Burns

The least concerning type of burn is a first-degree burn. These burns only affect the outer layer of the skin. They typically hurt and turn red around the burned area. Sunburns are usually a form of first-degree burns.

Typically, you can treat a first-degree burn by soaking the burned area in cold water or applying over-the-counter burn cream to it. However, if you burn a sensitive area such as your mouth, throat, or near your eyes, your doctor may recommend other treatments.

Second-Degree Burns

A burn that can be tricky to identify is a second-degree burn. These burns affect both the top layer of skin and the layer of skin underneath. However, this isn’t easy to spot visually.

These types of burns often eventually develop blisters, may turn white as well as red, and are likely to leave scars.

When treating a second-degree burn, it’s important to keep careful watch over it. Second-degree burns can be more likely to become infected. If a burn becomes infected, make sure to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

It is generally better to get medical attention right away for this type of burn. A doctor will be able to take the necessary steps to help you prevent infection and more extensive scarring.

Third-Degree Burns

The most severe type of burn is the third-degree burn. With this type of burn, the damage extends to the soft tissue and may even destroy nerves. Usually, your skin will burn black, brown, or white instead of red, and it may look leathery.

You should visit an emergency room immediately if you suffer a third-degree burn. There is no safe way to treat these burns at home, and you may require years of medical care to fully recover.

How Do Severe Burn Injuries Happen?

Severe burns are usually the result of an accident. For example, if you slip and fall while putting food in the oven, you could severely burn your arm before you have a chance to remove it from the 400-degree oven.

However, some accidents are more preventable than others. This is especially true when another party is negligent. Some common causes of burns due to the negligence of another party include:

  • Overly hot food or drinks served at a restaurant
  • Being directed to work in a dangerous setting without proper safety precautions
  • Defective products that cause fires
  • Lack of warning signs in a location with hot surfaces

If you were hurt due to the negligence of another, you may be eligible to seek compensation for that harm.

Seeking Compensation for Burn Injuries

The best way to seek compensation for a burn injury in Virginia is to consult with a personal injury lawyer, or a workers’ compensation lawyer if the accident occurred at work, as soon as possible after getting burned. If you haven’t already received medical attention, your lawyer can direct you to an appropriate doctor and get started on investigating your claim.

The compensation you seek could potentially cover losses like medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses related to your injuries.


How Much Does a Burn Injury Attorney Cost?

Burn injury attorneys take cases on contingency. This means that they only get paid if they get you money, and they only take a portion of the money you receive as their fee. If a case is unsuccessful, then you will owe nothing.

How Can You Tell if a Burn Is Infected?

Any signs of pus, oozing, or blisters could suggest that your burn is infected. If you think your burn is infected, make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. A doctor will be able to evaluate whether your burn is infected, and it is important to handle an infection early before it has a chance to spread or worsen.

What Are the Possible Long-Term Consequences of a Severe Burn?

Severe burns can have far-reaching consequences. Some of the most severe include:

  • Permanent scars
  • Nerve damage
  • Loss of senses, such as your vision, depending on where you are burned
  • Intense pain
  • Loss of mobility or lost limbs

Sometimes, these consequences can be reversed with treatment. The compensation you receive from a burn injury claim can go a long way in paying for this medical care.

Consult With a Skilled Burn Injury Attorney Today

If you or a loved one was severely burned in an accident, you may be faced with long-term and costly results. The burn injury lawyers at Commonwealth Law Group can fight for the compensation and justice you deserve. Contact us now to schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer in Richmond who cares.

If you have been injured at work or through the negligence of another individual or entity, contact us at (804) 999-9999 or or use the form below to connect with our legal team. We will fight to get you the justice you deserve.